An exceptional bow in every way, this bow breaks down into a very small package with a 15 ½ inch riser. A great bow for traveling or packing in to your favorite hunting ground or if you just want a longbow with more mass. Like all of our bows the TD longbow is engineered for smoothness and high performance. For a take down longbow this bow is built to be trouble free and nearly indestructible.
All our risers have hand-sewn leather grips and Alaskan seal skin window and shelf plate.
Take Down Long Bow
Material Options
Great Plainsman - red elm or cedar limbs with cocobolo riser
Osagian - osage limbs with cocobolo and osage riser
Rio Bravo - bacote lamination and bamboo core limbs with bacote and rosewood riser
Texas Hunter - mesquite lamination and bamboo core limbs with cocobolo and mesquite riser
Cazador - bamboo or yew wood limbs with cocobolo and Honduras rosewood riser
El Dorado - bamboo limbs with black glass with black phenolic and cocobolo riser
Bow Length Draw Length Brace Height
60" 24" - 27" 6 1/4" - 6 1/2"
62" 26" - 29" 6 1/4" - 6 1/2"
64" 27" - 30" 6 1/4" - 6 1/2"
66" 27" - 31" 6 1/2" - 6 3/4"
68" 27" - 33" 6 1/2" - 7"